abstract railways in my mind :D
autumn but free
catch only the clouds who smile!
concert opera tonight
dew & broken dreams
dusk on the beach
family walk
fluffy and away
follow the sheeps!
Goddess of doves is back
lunch break
muse reading her dreams
railways or fence?
running on the careless path
sky road
smile and live!
sun on the beach
the balance is rusty but it lives
the garden of paradise
the heart of nature
The Queen of Ice comes in summer
the sun is playing hide and seek
the sun was hidden...promises to return
the way covered by clouds
the ways of life are also exist in skies
water and the sky has borned the mirror
we are not ready yet to see the world of heaven
when a rainbow is born
willow's cry
and trees were also smiling
verrrry nice (Petrica)